The Acu Hub

Treatments at The Acu Hub
We offer a wide range of treatments that all relate to Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture. During your first consultation, treatment options will be discussed so you have a full understanding of the modalities available and that will be used in your treatment plan.

Fire Cupping & Myofascial Release
Cupping is an ancient Chinese therapy, whereby a sterile glass cup is placed on the skin and either heat or suction is applied to gently lift the skin and superficial muscles up to encourage circulation and blood flow. .
The effects are like an intense, mini massage which really helps the circulation and tones the skin. This simple treatment can reduce stretchmarks, release some tight muscles and stimulates the lymphatic system flushing wastes from your body.
We often use this treatment for our international athletes and serving forces to help in recovery and to prepare and maintain muscle function.
Electro Acupuncture
Electroacupuncture is a form of acupuncture where a small electric current is passed between pairs of acupuncture needles.
This practice augments the use of regular acupuncture, can restore health and well-being, and is particularly good for treating pain.

Moxibustion involves burning moxa, a cone or stick made of ground mugwort leaves, on or near your body's meridians and acupuncture points. The resulting heat helps stimulate acupuncture points and improves the flow of qi (energy) in your body.
We have a variety of Moxa in clinic, and depending on the condition presented the practitioner will choose the best version of the herb to be used.
Additionally we have one of the few specialist Moxa machines in the UK.